Growing Smiles

Age 1

Age 1

  • Parent questionnaire (dental & orthodontic history)
  • Homecare and diet
  • Caries Risk Assessment
  • Toothbrush cleaning
  • Review tooth eruption patterns
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Evaluate Lip & tongue tie
  • Oral exam & cancer screening

Age 2

Age 2

  • Review caries risk
  • Age appropriate dental cleaning, toothbrush or dental chair
  • Potential upper and lower anterior x-ray films
  • Introduce additional homecare techniques; flossing
  • Evaluate growth and development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening

Age 3

Age 3

  • Review caries risk
  • X-rays if needed based on caries risk
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride based on caries risk
  • Review homecare techniques; flossing in molar region
  • Asses speech & language development
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening

Age 4/5

Age 4/5

  • Review caries risk
  • Initial molar cavity detecting x-rays
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening

Age 6

Age 6

  • Review caries risk
  • Initial growth & development Panoramic x-ray
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate for preventive sealants on 6 year molars
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening

Age 7

Age 7

  • Review caries risk
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening
  • Initial orthodontic evaluation

Age 8

Age 8

  • Review caries risk
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening
  • Monitor orthodontic needs

Age 9

Age 9

  • Review caries risk
  • Second panoramic x-ray to evaluate permanent tooth eruption and orthodontic needs
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening

Age 10

Age 10

  • Review caries risk
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate need for preventative premolar sealants
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening

Age 11

Age 11

  • Review caries risk
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate need for preventative premolar sealants
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening
  • Monitor orthodontic needs

Age 12

Age 12

  • Review caries risk
  • Third panoramic x-ray to evaluate permanent tooth eruption and orthodontic needs
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate need for preventative premolar & 12 year molar sealants
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening
  • Monitor orthodontic needs

Ages 13-15

Ages 13-15

  • Review caries risk
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening
  • Monitor orthodontic needs/active orthodontic phase

Ages 16-18

Ages 16-18

  • Review caries risk
  • Panoramic x-ray to evaluate for 3rd molars (wisdom teeth)
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Evaluate growth & development
  • Oral exam & cancer screening
  • Monitor orthodontic needs

Age 18

Age 18

  • Review caries risk
  • Dental cleaning with fluoride
  • Review homecare techniques
  • Assess all previously placed sealants prior to leaving for college
  • Oral exam & cancer screening

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    Office Hours

    8:00am - 5:00pm
    8:00am - 5:00pm
    8:00am - 5:00pm
    8:00am - 12:00pm
    By Appointment